Old Aquarium
[Friends Meeting House]
Buried Treasure
The Library
Reference Room
[A Lounge or Study.]
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, trustees' meeting room.
New York Public Library
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, view in stack room.
Columbia University [Students studying in Butler Library.]
Columbia University [Students in Butler Library.]
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, general interior of main lobby.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, detail of south staircase and archway [in the] main lobby.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, interior of childrens' library.
Columbia University [Student studying.]
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, circulating library, ground floor.
Temple Emanu-El
Bowling Green Fountain
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, north staircase, interior.
[New York skyline.]