"Power." Power house, Harlem River, 201st Street.
Harlem River North from 201st St.
West 205th Street and Harlem River. Board of Transportation yards
Kingsbridge Power House.
W. 137th Street. Harlem Hospital, Power House and Ambulance Building.
East 183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Power plant
East 183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabus Hospital, Home for Incurables. Power plant
611 West 207th Street. Harlem Savings Bank. Entrance
[Broadway and 207th Street. Harlem Savings Bank, general view of exterior.]
Astoria H.L. and P. Co. Power House.
Astoria Gas Co., power plant.
East 181st Street and Devoe Avenue. Fire Alarm Telegraph Buildings.
Harlem River.
East 161st Street and Grand Concourse. Bronx Courthouse
West 204th Street and Broadway. Dyckman House
West 136th Street. Harlem Hospital.
Proposed Bridge Across Harlem River 181st Street and 10th Avenue.