[Museum of the City of New York, elevation.]
[Advertising posters on a fence, traffic sign reads "Pleasure Traffic Keep Over to the Left. Business Traffic Keep Over to the Curb"]
The Ramp
[Han's Fruit and Vegetable Market]
[8 miles to Philadelphia.]
[Traffic tower on 5th Avenue and 58th Street.]
[Plan for a room.]
Near Rockefeller Center, Mercury atop Traffic Light.
Rockefeller Center. RCA Building from Fifth Avenue and 51st Street with traffic light post.
Traffic light in Central Park at dawn in the blizzard of 1983
Rockefeller Center. RCA Building with traffic light post at Fifth Avenue and 51st Street.
Chamber Fourth Floor. Res. for Mrs. F. A. V. Twombly. 71 St. & Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
Chamber Third Floor. Res. for Mrs. F. A. V. Twombly. 71 St. & Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
Bathroom Third Floor. Res. for Mrs. F. A. V. Twombly. 71 St. & Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
Bathroom Fourth Floor. Res. for Mrs. F. A. V. Twombly. 71 St. & Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
Foyer Fourth Floor. Res. for Mrs. F. A. V. Twombly. 71st St. & Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
[Design for bathroom wall.]
Competitition for the Union Theological Seminary