Citizens Banquet Commemorating the Signing of the Contracts for the Dual Subway System of Greater New York
Map of New York Subways Issued by Corn Exchange Bank Trust Company
[Constructing the subway in Queens.]
90-Year Anniversary of the Opening of the New York City Subway System
[Constructing the subway, Queens.]
Interborough Rapid Transit Co. Subway Division. Good For One Continuous Trip
City of New York. Board of Transportation. New York City Transit System
Subway Plan Proposed by H.G. Gager
[Construction of the Long Island Expressway in Queens.]
Entitles Mr. J. Clarence Davies and friends to inspect work at all stations.
Map of the Subway System of New York
[New York City Transfer Ticket]
The Brooklyn City Railroad Company
Inspection of the Rapid Transit Subway
Admit the Bearer [A. Leo and two] to subway passenger stations of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company
For Our Customers - A New Year's Resolution
Case on Appeal - Appendix of Photograph Exhibits [Subway construction along Broadway.]