155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of organ.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, cloisters.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of pulpit and screen in chapel.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of ceiling.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, general interior at altar.
155th Street and Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of chancel.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, interior of crypt.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, clergy sacristy.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, Choir Room, flashlight view.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of main entrance.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, screen in front gallery, interior.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of lock on main door.
West 155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of entrance front.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, general interior toward entrance.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, entrance doors to crypt.
550 West 155th Street. Chapel of the Intercession. Interior, side chapel
550 West 155th Street. Chapel of the Intercession
550 West 155th Street. Chapel of the Intercession. Interior
Broadway and W. 158th Street. Chapel of the Intercession, interior.