[Hell Gate, Oyster Bay, Huntington and Huntington Bay.]
[The Narrows]
New - York Bay and the Narrows
View of the New York Quarantine, Staten Island
View from Staten Island to Sandy Hook
The Narrows from Staten Island
The Narrows and Part of Staten Island
Staten Island and the Narrows.
New York from Governors Island
The Narrows
"The Narrows," Bay of New York
View of Hell Gate - the Entrance from Long Island Sound to New York
View of the Narrows from Staten Island
Chart and Plan of the Harbour of New York and the Couns Adjacent, from Sandy Hook to Kingsbridge, Comprehending the Whole of New York and Staten Islands, and Part of Long Island and the Jersey Shore a
Bay of New York from the Narrows
A Plan of New York Island, With Part of Long Island, Staten Island & East New Jersey
1609. The Hudson River (Cahohatatea)
Map of New-York Bay and Harbor and the Environs