Presented to James S. Norton in Appreciation of Meritorious Performance of Duty as a Fireman
Fireman's Herald
The Life of a Fireman.
H[ook] & L[adder] Co. 20
National Fireman's Journal
New York Fireman's March
Chief Lawrence, Driver McKeon
Certificate appointing James Howard a Fireman of the City of New York
The Annual Ball Peterson Fire Engine Co. No. 15
Annual Ball Peterson Fire Engine Co. No. 15
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. XII
The American Fireman. Rushing to the Conflict.
[S.S. "Normandie", Patroling Fireman.]
Neptune Engine No. 2
[Portrait of a fireman.]
Rambler Hose No. 3, Blissville, L.I. City
The Life of a Fireman
The Fireman.
Member, Mazeppa Hose Association, No. 42
Hook and Ladder Co. No. 67, Engine Co. 163, Flushing Ave., L.I. City