"You Can Tell That I'm Irish"
"When We Are M-A-double-R-I-E-D"
"Drink With Me"
"I Want You"
"Nesting in a New York Tree"
"'Op In Me 'Ansom"
"Good-Bye Flo"
Second violin orchestration for "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway"
"When a Fellow's on the Level with a Girl That's on the Square"
"Under Any Old Flag at All"
"The Honeymooners"
"Gee, Ain't I Glad I'm Home"
"They're All My Friends"
"Yankee Doodle Boy"
"Life's a Funny Proposition After All"
"The Wedding of the Blue and Gray"
"Washington, He Was A Wonderful Man"
"Yankee Doodle's Come to Town"
"The Honeymooners" - Act I