St. Patrick's Cathedral from Madison Avenue.
Radio City and St. Patrick's from 48th Street.
Changing New York [Aerial view of St. Patrick's Cathedral and Rockefeller Center.]
Radio City and spires of St. Patrick's.
[St. Patrick's Cathedral under construction.]
The street below St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Radio City, St. Patrick's--business and religion.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 51 to 50 Sts.
St. Patrick's From Madison Avenue.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Radio City and St. Patricks from 48th Street, Manhattan.
Changing New York [Elevated view of Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick's Cathedral.]
[St. Patrick Cathedral under construction.]
[Rockefeller Center's International Front.]
View looking west from mansion on east side of Madison Avenue, between 50th and 51st Streets.
[Construction of St. Patrick's Cathedral.]
Fifth Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets [Fifth Avenue, 40th Street to 54th Street]