Victory Parade, woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty (in back of truck), 105th Street
Victory Parade, view of fairy princess in front of figures dressed as Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini, 105th Street
Congressman Marcantonio, Italian Village, E. 105th St., Victory Celebrations
View of children of graded heights in front of the American flag, Victory celebrations
Victory celebrations, woman on podium
Young Puerto Rican girl and boy on E. 105th Street
Hungarian women in native costume, Grand Street, Victory marches
Billboards, "War Bonds in Action"/Bowery Savings Bank
Hungarian men in costume, Grand Street, Victory march
Conservatory Garden, Central Park, E. 105th St.
Hopscotch, 105th Street, NY
[5th Avenue and 105th Street.]
Lexington Avenue between 104th and 105th Streets.
Central Park at 105th Street. Conservatory, hothouses.
Victory Garden, Rockefeller Center
Victory celebration banner, "Our Boys - God Bless Them," Sullivan St. looking south towards Bleecker St.
[Children marching in parade with American Flags.]
Ices-man on East 110th Street
Fifth Ave. hospital, 105th Street, 5th Avenue. All rooms are outside rooms.