Broadway between 89th and 90th Streets. Astor Court, entrance hallway.
Broadway between 89th and 90th Streets. Astor Court.
Broadway between 89th and 90th Streets. Astor Court, view of gardens in court.
205 West 89th Street. Astor Court, detail of entrance.
89th Street and Broadway. Astor Apartment, [living room].
Broadway and 90th Street. Standard Theatre.
West 89th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house.
320 West 89th Street. Apartment house
621 Columbus Avenue and 90th Street. Apartments.
320 West 89th Street. Apartment house.
Riverside Drive and 89th Street. Soldiers and Sailors Monument.
Riverside Drive at 89th Street. Soldiers and Sailors Monument.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House. Interior of ballroom, detail at alcove.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House. Interior of auditorium, detail of Proscenium Arch.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun. Auditorium lobby.
300 Central Park West and 90th Street. The El Dorado Towers, Apartment Building
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House, exterior.
West 90th Street and Broadway. Stoddard Movie Theater, under repair
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House. Interior of kitchen.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House. Billiard room.