[Northern Union Gas Company - 1815 Webster Avenue.]
1815 Webster Avenue. Northern Union Gas Co., general view of gas works office building, etc.
Webster Avenue. Northern Union Gas Company, appliance display rooms.
Kingsbridge Road and Webster Avenue. Northern Union Gas Co., exterior of building.
1750 Webster Avenue at the corner of Ittner Place. Tremont Mills.
Mount Hope Court, Grand Concourse. Northern Union Gas Co. interior.
525 Courtlandt Avenue. Central Union Gas Co., general exterior.
[East 171st Street at Webster Avenue. Our Lady of Victory Church.]
4362 Park Avenue. Borden Milk Co.
Our Lady of Victory Church. 171 St. and Webster Ave. N.Y.C. Detail of Webster Ave. Front
[East 171st Street at Webster Avenue. Our Lady of Victory Church. Children, nuns and priest on roof.]
N.E. Cor. Arthur & Tremont Aves. N.Y.C.
Mapes Avenue and the N.W. corner of Tremont Avenue. General exterior.
177th Street and Tremont Avenue. Bronx Borough Bank