Amy Mali Hicks Studio, 158 West 11th Street
[Louise Allison Studio]
Washington Square Book Shop, 17 West 8 Street
The Bead Shop, 171 West Fourth Street, Greenwich Village
Dorothy Usner Baxter's Greenwich Village Rendezvous, 158 West Tenth Street
At the Samovar, 148 West Fourth Street
The Treasure Box, 171 West 4th Street, Greenwich Village
Linn Shop, 181 West Fourth, Greenwich Village
The Treasure Box
The Russian Tavern of Romany Marie
The Crumperie, Greenwich Village
Little Russia
Polly's Restaurant
The Pepper Pot, 146 West Fourth St, New York
Alice Sit by the Fire, The Village Store in Greenwich Village
Studio of Anton Hellman
Alice Palmer sitting by the fire in the Village Store
Studios: 51 West 10th Street