11 Christopher Street
11 Christopher St.
A Greenwich Village Alley, With Modern Art Lines
Romany Marie, 20 Christopher Street
Dr. Marchard [Romany Marie], 20 Christopher Street
Dr. Marchand, 20 Christopher St., Greenwich Village
Miss Crump, The Crumperie, 55 Christopher St.
Minetta Street
A Greenwich Village Alley with Modern Art Lines
MacDougal Alley, N.Y.
Greenwich Village Alley with Modern Art Lines
Black Parrot Court, A Quaint Corner in Greenwich Village
Patchin Place, A Little Walled-in Corner in Greenwich Village, New York.
Patchin Place, In Greenwich Village
[Inner court, Charlton Street.]
Patchin Place, Greenwich Village
Milligan Place, 6th Avenue near 10th Street
Patchin Place