Alternate Design for Concession Stand Flanking Federal Bldg.
Typical Concession Stand
Concession Stands at Plaza III
Concession Stand on St. #9 Plaza IV
Tentative Design for Concession Stands Featuring Federal Bldg.
Proposed Concession Stand, Street No. 7 at Theme Plaza
Concession Stands for St. No. 5 at Market St.
Proposed typical stands - perspective, closed and rear
Suggestion for midway treatment
Early Study, Federal Building Steps
Concession Stands at Sts. #7 & 8 at Plaza VI
Concession Stands on St. No. 4 at St. No. 20
[Colored drawing of views of concession stands, New York World's Fair].
Street #8. Concession Stands at Plaza IV
Suggested restaurant development for N.Y. World's Fair 1939
Exhibit Building for Marine Industry, Interior
Federal Building - Interior View
[Unidentified building]
Proposed Building