Ferry Boat.
Ferrie boats, John G. McCullough Erie.
Ferries, Crowded Ferry Boat, Ferry Boat in Winter.
Ships, French Line, S.S. "France".
Erie Railway Company's Steam Ferry Boat "Pavonia"
Municipal Ferry Boat
Ships, Hamburg American Line, S.S. "Kaiserin Auguste Victoria".
Staten Island Ferry Boat.
French Line, S.S. "Ile de France" Exterior, Vestibuled Part of Boat Deck.
Unveiling Statue, Dobbs Ferry.
Ships, Anchor Line, S.S. "Ethiopia".
[Ferry to the Battery]
Staten Island Ferry Boat "Mary Murray".
Boats, Hand Propelled side wheelers.
Staten Island Ferry 1901.
French Line, 610 Fifth Ave., "Normandie" Leaving Pier #88 N.R., Pier Scenes, Friends Waiting for Passengers.
French Line, 610 Fifth Ave., "Normandie" Leaving Pier #88 N.R., Pier Scenes, Crowd on Upper Level.