The Brooklyn Bridge and lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan - World Trade Center
View-Skyline 1909 Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn.
Site of the World Trade Center to be Built by the Port of New York Authority in Lower Manhattan.
[Manhattan skyline from the East River]
[Looking east across the Hudson River to the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking east from New Jersey across the Hudson River to the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking east from New Jersey across the Hudson River to the skyline of Lower Manhattan.]
[Looking across the East River to the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking southwest across the East River to the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking east from a marina in New Jersey toward the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
Lower New York Skyline, East River
[Looking west across the East River toward the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
Market Bar & Dining Rooms
Queen Mary against Lower Manhattan skyline.;
Lower Manhattan Skyline as seen from Liberty Island.
[Looking southwest over the East River to the Brooklyn Bridge and the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
Thanskgiving Dinner in the Market
[Castle Clinton and Lower Manhattan skyline from the river.]