[Lili Damita.]
[Lily Lubell in "Grand Street Follies".]
[Jane Cowl as Lucy Chase Wayne, Lily Cahill as Irene Hibbard, and Jessie Busley as Belle Hardwick in "First Lady".]
[Lily Cahill, Jay Fassett, and Charita Bauer in "Your Loving Son".]
[Libby Holman.]
[Claiborne Foster.]
[Dorothy Gish.]
[Shirley Booth.]
[Natasha Boleslavsky.]
[Anna Russell in "All By Myself".]
[Pert Kelton.]
[Polly Walters.]
[Peggy Conklin.]
[Ludmilla Pitoeff.]
[Jobyna Howland.]
[Marta Abba.]
[Helen Claire.]
[Ara Gerald.]
[Mary Servoss.]