Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital No. 1. No. 3, S.E. corner section looking North.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital No. 1. No. 5, north section looking west.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital No. 1. No. 6, north section looking east.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital No. 1. View #1, north section.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. North Section looking East. View #7.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. North section looking East. View #9.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. Southeast corner section looking East. View #8.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. Southeast corner section looking East. View #10.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital No. 1. View #2, southeast Section.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. Interior of ward showing construction, view #9A. Taken for Captain Noble.
Gun Hill Road and Jerome Avenue, N.E. corner. Golf Café, Pizza Bar and Grill, exterior NE corner.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. Interior of ward showing north gable end, view #9B. Taken for Captain Noble.
Kings County Hospital. Female Dormitory. Looking N.E.
N.W. Cor. Gun Hill Road & Perry Ave. N.Y.C.
New Ward Wing Addit'n, Harlem Hospital. From N.W. Looking S.E.
Kings County Hospital Female Dormitory. Looking S.E.
New Ward Wing Addit'n, Harlem Hospital. From S.E. Looking N.W.
Bronx River Parkway north of Gun Hill Road. 2:50pm: looking north from Gun Hill Road ramp near Bronx Boulevard, legal record view.
Pathe Building S.E. Corner 107 St. & Park Ave. New York from N.E. looking S.W.