[Roland Butler, press agent for Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus.]
[Reverend Frank Buchman, founder of the Oxford Group.]
[J. Otis Swift, nature editor of the World Telegram and founder of the Yosian Brotherhood.]
[Margaret Rudkin, founder of Pepperidge Farm.]
[Robert K. Merton, professor of sociology at Columbia University.]
[Frank Hague, mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey.]
[Abe Burrows.]
[Howard S. Cullman, backer of "Life With Father" and other Broadway productions.]
[Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement.]
[Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury.]
[John Colquhoun Tysen, president of the real estate firm Previews, Inc.]
[Unidentified man.]
[Eugene Gilbert, teenage market research specialist.]
[Stanley N. Arnold, marketing and sales management consultant.]
[Alexandra Tolstaya, founder of the Tolstoy Foundation.]
[Captain Harold F. Blackburn.]
[Augustus E. Giegengack, head of the U. S. Printing Office.]
[Jean Tinguely.]