[Percy Byron at the Museum of the City of New York.]
[Percy Byron at Museum of the City of New York.]
[Percy Byron]
Grace Mayer in print room, MCNY, showing collection
Percy C. Byron and Mrs. Percy C. Byron - August 16, 1931.
The Byron Photographic Staff, Hyde Ball, Feb. 1905.
Joseph Byron's Children, Present and Future Co. Workers in 1895: Louis Philip, Georgiana, Florence Mabel, Percy C., Maude Mary.
[The Byron Family in Nottingham, England, 1888 Just Prior to the Departure of Joseph, Julia, and Maude Mary to New York City.]
The Hundred Year Association of New York
Rendering, accepted design, Museum of the City of New York
Museum of the City of New York. Artist rendering, proposed design
The dressing room from the residence of the late John D. Rockefeller (No. 4 West 54th Street) as installed in the Museum of the City of New York, 1938
Residences, Gracie Mansion, Interior, Showing Old New York Costumes.