Rice Electric Displays, Portrait of Mr. Rice.
Coaching, New York to Phila. Pa. from Hotel Waldorf.
Sports, Baseball, New York's Polo Grounds.
Slums - Brooklyn - 1899.
Boston, New State House, Public Gardens, Beacon St. & etc.
Residence, Mr. A.C. Cronin.
[The Byron Family - September 16, 1957.]
Theatrical, Castle Square Opera Co. Crowds at B'way Theatre.
Plays, "Mrs. Jack".
Coaching, Casino Theatre Adv. Coach, Mr. McGeachy, Mr. Bond.
Cafe, C.R. Wessels.
Uncle Joe Byron, Pirie MacDonald, Colonel Marceau, Pop Core, Ben Falk-New York December 1920.
Percy C. Byron and Mrs. Percy C. Byron - August 16, 1931.
266 Seventh Avenue c. 1903.