[Pauline Lord.]
[Charles Bickford.]
[Babe Ruth.]
[Ruth Edell.]
[Virginia Gilmore as Ruth Wilkins in "Dear Ruth".]
[Ruth Hammond as Cousin Cora in "Life With Father".]
[Ruth Edell in "Smile at Me".]
[Ruth Draper and Her Company of Characters.]
[Tom Helmore, Nicholas Joy and Ruth Gordon in "The Birds Stop Singing".]
[Ruth Weston.]
[Ruth Chatterton.]
[Morton Downey.]
[George Marshall, owner and president of the Washington Redskins.]
Ruth Draper
[Ruth Gordon as Mrs. Margery Pinchwife and Percy Waram as Mr. Pinchwife in "The Country Wife".]
[Ruth Draper.]
[Catalina Barcena.]