[Albert Dekker as The Duke of Norfolk, William Roderick as Sir Thomas More, and Bruce Gordon as Thomas Cromwell in "A Man for All Seasons".]
[Beatrice Straight as Emily Dickinson and Onslow Stevens as Dr. Charles Wadsworth in "Eastward in Eden".]
[Shirley Booth as Leona Samish, Dino DiLuca as Renato Di Rossi, and Lydia St. Clair as Signora Fiora in "The Time of the Cuckoo".]
[Karl Weber as Fred, Meg Mundy as Lizzie McKaye, and Wendell Holmes as Senator Clarke in "The Respectful Prostitute".]
[George Segal as Tolen and Alexandra Berlin as Nancy in "The Knack".]
[Jean-Pierre Aumont as Pierre Renault and Lilli Palmer as Christiane Benoit-Benoit in "My Name Is Aquilon".]
[Alfred Drake as Alexander Soren and Marsha Hunt as Ann Wood in "Joy to the World".]
[Maude Durand as Ellen McMullin in "Bottled".]
[Meg Mundy as Lizzie McKaye, Wendell Holmes as Senator Clarke, and Karl Weber as Fred in "The Respectful Prostitute".]
[José Ferrer as Oliver Erwenter in "The Silver Whistle".]
[Jane Manning as Jean Hart, Barry Nelson as Nat Bentley, Phil Leeds as Victor Talsey, and Leon Janney as Mike Harper in "Nobody Loves an Albatross".]
[Robert Brown as A Boy and Judith Anderson as A Woman in "Come of Age".]
[Jennifer Jones as Isabel Archer and possibly Peter Pagan as Lord Warburton in "Portrait of a Lady".]
[James Earl Jones as Ephraim and Vinnette Carroll as Sophia Adams in "Moon on a Rainbow Shawl".]
[Beatrice Straight as Miss Giddens, David Cole as Miles, and Iris Mann as Flora in "The Innocents".]
[Richard B. Harrison as The Lord in "The Green Pastures".]
[William Shatner as Paul Sevigne and Julie Harris as Josefa Lantenay in "A Shot in the Dark".]
[James Gleason as A. B. "Hap" Hurley in "Is Zat So?".]
[Jessica Tandy as Martha Walling and Hume Cronyn as Oliver Walling in "The Man in the Dog Suit".]
[Barry Jones as Mago in "The Road to Rome".]