[Morris Carnovsky as Mr. Appolpolous and Jo Ann Sayers as Eileen Sherwood in "My Sister Eileen".]
[Morris Carnovsky.]
[Ann Mason as Julia Wallace in "A Family Affair".]
[Eileen Heckart as Opal and Stubby Kaye as Solomon in "Everybody Loves Opal".]
[Richard Burton as Hamlet and Eileen Herlie as Gertrude in "Hamlet".]
[Jane Wyatt as Fay Tucker and Morris Carnovsky as A. L. Rosenberger in "Night Music".]
[Morris Carnovsky as Shylock and Katharine Hepburn as Portia in "The Merchant of Venice".]
[Vivian Nathan as Widow Leocadia Begbick, John Heffernan as Galy Gay, and Clifton James as Polly Baker in "A Man's a Man".]
[Lucile Watson as Granny and Carol Goodner as Mrs. Parrish in "The Family".]
[Anthony Quinn as Stanley Kowalski, Russell Hardie as Harold Mitchell, and Uta Hagen as Blanche Du Bois in "A Streetcar Named Desire".]
[Teresa Wright as Cora Flood, Eileen Heckart as Lottie Lacey and Pat Hingle as Rubin Flood in "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs".]
[Jennifer Jones as Isabel Archer and possibly Peter Pagan as Lord Warburton in "Portrait of a Lady".]
[Jorja Curtright as Stella Kowalski, George Mathews as Harold Mitchell, Anthony Quinn as Stanley Kowalski, and Uta Hagen as Blanche Du Bois in "A Streetcar Named Desire".]
[William Shatner as Paul Sevigne and Julie Harris as Josefa Lantenay in "A Shot in the Dark".]
[Pernell Roberts as Petruchio, Nina Foch as Katharina and Morris Carnovsky as Grumio in "The Taming of the Shrew".]
[Jimmy Randolph, Eileen Schauler, and Gloria LeRoy in "To Broadway With Love".]
[Unidentified performer and Beatrice Straight.]
[Julie Harris as Sally Bowles and William Prince as Christopher Isherwood in "I Am a Camera".]