1 East 94th Street. Cass Gilbert residence, boiler.
East 94th Street near Lexington Avenue. Lobby of apartment building.
6 East 94th Street. Perkins residence
1 East 94th Street. Cass Gilbert residence, [gas and hot water heaters].
130 East 94th Street, between Lexington and Park Avenue. Apartment building, exterior.
Park Avenue between East 94th and 95th Street. Apartment building
424-26 East 89th Street. Three-story garage.
112-118 East 75th Street. Stewart Delaware Stables and Lenox Garage.
116-118 East 75th Street. Urban Garage [Urban Motor Co., Inc.]
Interior, Group, Women's Sewing Circle, 157 East 94th Street.
West End Avenue and 94th Street, S.E. corner. Apartment house.
77-81 West 94th Street. Colonial Bank and Apartment Building.
177-179 East 73rd Street. Garage.
724 Columbus Avenue near 94th Street. Small tenement with store.
177-79 East 73rd Street. Garage.
325 East 79th Street. Apartments.
110-18 East 86th Street.
13 East 69th Street. Residence.
10 East 67th Street. Residence.