Princess Eulalia, Savoy Hotel.
Parades Seventh Regiment, June 3, 1893.
Parade, Columbus Celebration, Princess Eulalia of Spain (Savoy H.).
Spanish Princess Reviewing 7th Regiment, Savoy Hotel, New York, May 1893.
Princess Eulalia of Spain Reviewing in Front of Savoy Hotel.
The Infanta Eulalia & Mayor Gilroy Leaving Grant's Temporary Tomb, Where She Layed a Wreath. May 30, 1893.
In honor of H.R.H. The Infanta Eulalia, the guest of the United States and representative of H.M. The Queen of Spain.
Gala Ball in honor of their Royal Highnesses the Infanta Doña Eulalia, and the Infante Don Antonio, Duke of Montpensier
Gala Ball in honor of Their Royal Highnesses Infanta Doña Eulalia and Infante Don Antonio
Grant's Tomb - May 30, 1893.
[Spanish Princess Reviewing 7th Regiment, Savoy Hotel, New York, May 1893.]
Plays, "In the Palace of the King".
Plays, "A Man of Honor".