Lehigh Portland Cement exhibit at the Architectural League.
Henry Hope and Sons. Exhibition at Architectural League, April 1925.
Perfect Range exhibit, Architectural League.
119 Broad Street. Reception room at mantel.
[Interior, mantel.]
Mantel pieces.
75 Maple Street. Reynolds residence, living room at mantel.
Importers and Traders Bank. Directors' Room at mantel.
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association. Exhibit looking S.E., Architectural League, April 1925.
120 West 59th Street. Catholic Club, library at mantel.
72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, library at mantel.
Mantel, carved wood.
[Detail of mantel.]
130 Buckingham Road. McGuirk residence, living room at mantel.
Mantel and Dutch fireplace.
120 West 59th Street. Catholic Club, lounge at mantel.