[Maurice Chevalier.]
[Maurice Moscovitch.]
[Maurice Evans.]
[Jules Glaenzer.]
[Maurice Evans in an unidentified production.]
[Stanley N. Arnold, marketing and sales management consultant.]
[Eugene Gilbert, teenage market research specialist.]
[Maurice Evans as Napoleon in "St. Helena".]
[John J. Raskob.]
[Sidney J. Weinberg, senior partner of Goldman, Sachs & Co.]
[George H. Bull, president of the Saratoga Racing Association.]
[Maurice Evans in the title role of "Hamlet".]
[Robert and Arnold Hoffman.]
[Alexander Legge.]
[Elmer G. Leterman.]
[Abe Lastfogel, talent scout and president of the William Morris Agency.]
[John Colquhoun Tysen, president of the real estate firm Previews, Inc.]