History, Civil War.
The Storming of Fort Donelson.
Majr. Genl. George G. Meade.
Bombardment & Capture of the Forts at Hatteras Inlet, N.C.
Terrific Combat Between the "Monitor" 2 Guns & "Merrimac" 10 Guns.
The Union Volunteer.
Bombardment and Capture of Island "Number Ten."
The Bombardment and Capture of Fort Fisher, N.C., Jany. 15th 1865
Capture of Roanoke Island, Feby. 8th 1862.
Glorious Charge of Hancock's Division (2nd) of the Army of the Potomac
Battle of Coal Harbor Va. June 1st 1864.
The Battle of Cedar Creek, Va. Oct. 19th 1864.
Terrific Engagement Between the "Monitor" 2 Guns, and "Merrimac" 10 Guns, in Hampton Roads, March 9th 1862.
[Seventh Regiment of the New York State Militia certificate honoring Lt. Noah L. Farnham.]