The Great International Yacht Race, August 8, 1870.
Mayflower Saluted By the Fleet.
The New York Yacht Club Regatta.
Yacht Race off Fort Wadsworth
The Great Ocean Yacht Race.
Yachts, "Valkyrie", 2nd & 3rd Cup Challenger and Tender City of Bridgeport.
The Chinese Junk "Keying"
The Great Bartholdi Statue, Liberty Enlightening the World.
Orders and Regulations for the Port of New-York
The British Queen, Steam Ship
The America's Cup International Race
The Finish of the First Race [Match for the America's Cup Sept. 26th 28th, Oct 1st, 3d and 4th 1901. Shamrock II and Columbia.
The Grandest Palace Drawing Room Steamers in the World.
Yachts, Golden Fleece.
The Finish. "Shamrock" First by 2 Seconds. "Columbia's" Race by 41 Seconds [Match for the America's Cup Sept. 26th 28th, Oct 1st, 3d and 4th 1901. Shamrock II and Columbia.]
A Darktown Race - Facing the Flag.
"Shamrock" Leads when the Race Was Called Off [Match for the America's Cup Sept. 26th 28th, Oct 1st, 3d and 4th 1901. Shamrock II and Columbia.]