Astor Place and Lafayette Street. Brokaw Brothers Building.
[South east corner of Astor Place and Lafayette Street.]
[Brokaw Brothers building.]
[Lafayette Street and Astor Place, looking southwest.]
403 Lafayette Street. L.B. Garage
403 Lafayette Street. L.B. Garage, entrance
96 Lafayette Street. Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Co. Building.
[Washington Place and Grove Street. Apartment building.]
66-72 Lafayette Street. Merchants Association Building.
Astor Place Theatre.
[Lafayette Street, looking south below Astor Place.]
3rd Avenue and 8th Street. Cooper Union, looking north to Astor Place.
Cooper Square and Astor Place. View of Cooper Union looking north
[Lafayette Street, looking southwest below Astor Place.]
389 Lafayette Street. Charles F. Hubbs and Co., warehouse.
The Old Astor Place Opera House.
Astor Place [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
1463 Broadway. Brokaw Brothers clothing store
Great Riot at the Astor Place Opera House, New York.
West 58th Street. Lafayette Place apartments.