Astor Place and Lafayette Street. Brokaw Brothers Building.
[Brokaw Brothers building.]
[South east corner of Astor Place and Lafayette Street.]
403 Lafayette Street. L.B. Garage
403 Lafayette Street. L.B. Garage, entrance
96 Lafayette Street. Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Co. Building.
[Lafayette Street and Astor Place, looking southwest.]
[Washington Place and Grove Street. Apartment building.]
66-72 Lafayette Street. Merchants Association Building.
Cooper Square and Astor Place. View of Cooper Union looking north
Astor Place Theatre.
3rd Avenue and 8th Street. Cooper Union, looking north to Astor Place.
[Lafayette Street, looking south below Astor Place.]
389 Lafayette Street. Charles F. Hubbs and Co., warehouse.
[Lafayette Street, looking southwest below Astor Place.]
1463 Broadway. Brokaw Brothers clothing store
Astor Place [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
The Old Astor Place Opera House.
West 58th Street. Lafayette Place apartments.
138 Lafayette Street at the corner of Howard Street.