"The Suspicious Husband", "El Jaleo de Xeres", "Bombastes Furioso" and "Deaf As a Post"
On Saturday evening, June 11 will be performed Shakespeare's celebrated play of "The Tempest; or, The Enchanted Island"
Third and last night but seven of the engagement of Mr. & Mrs. Wood and Mr. Brough, "La Sonnambula", Thursday evening, May 19, 1836
"The Dumb Belle" on Saturday evening, May 23, 1835
Mademoiselle Fanny Elssler for the benefit of St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Monday evening, June 27, the entertainments will commence with the second act of "La Tarentule"
Last night but two of the engagement of Miss Ellen Tree. On Tuesday evening, April 11, will be performed the comedy of "As You Like It"
On Monday evening, June 6, will be performed the opera of "Fra Diavolo"
For the benefit of Miss Ellen Tree, "Twelfth Night; or, What You Will", on Friday evening, April 14
Last night but one of the engagement of Miss Ellen Tree. Wednesday evening, April 12, will be performed the comedy of "Much Ado About Nothing"
On Friday evening, September 21, 1838, will be performed the farce of "The Handsome Husband"
Thursday evening, October 12, 1843, will be performed the tragedy of "Werner; or, The Inheritance" with Mr. Macready as Werner
Mr. Macready, first night of his farewell engagement, in "Hamlet", Monday evening, September 16, 1844
For the benefit of Mr. Fisher, "Wild Oats", on Saturday evening, June 5, 1847
Monday evening, October 12, will be performed for the first time on any stage, a play in five acts, entitled "The Wife's Secret"
Tuesday evening, September 20, 1842, will be performed the comedy of "Wild Oats"
Saturday evening, January 27, will be presented the comedy of "The Love Chase", written by J. S. Knowles
Thursday evening, December 18, 1840, the performance will commence with the infant minstrels, the Masters Hughes, who will appear in part the first of one of their favorite concerts
Mr. Booth as "Richard III", Friday evening, June 16, 1843
On Monday evening, April 17, will be performed the drama of "Lucille; or, The Story of a Heart"
"The Poor Gentleman" and "Paul Pry", Monday evening, August 29, 1842