Wall Street. Trinity Churchyard. Astor Memorial Cross.
General Casimir Pulaski memorial table
Model of First Infantry Division Memorial, World War II, with First Division Memorial, World War I
[Old Trinity Church, Astor Memorial, detail of upper part showing Virgin and child.]
Pelham Bay Park War Memorial [Bronx Victory Memorial.]
Broadway and Wall Street. Astor Memorial, churchyard cross, Trinity Churchyard.
Broadway and Wall Street. Trinity Churchyard. Astor Memorial Cross, detail of Adam and Eve.
Competition for a Monumental Memorial for Theodore Roosevelt
Trinity Place. Trinity Parish, detail of drinking fountain, memorial to Oscar E. Slater
Model of a monument for Union Square
Astor Memorial.
Columbus Circle. Maine Memorial
[Stokes family memorial.]
West 34th Street. Sloane Memorial Y.M.C.A., detail of tablet.
550 West 155th Street. Chapel of the Intercession. Interior, detail of War Memorial Tablet
West 59th Street and Columbus Circle. National Maine Memorial.