[Roscoe Lee Browne as Archibald Wellington, Cynthia Belgrave as Adelaide Bobo and Helen Martin as Felicity Trollop Pardon in "The Blacks: A Clown Show".]
["The Blacks" theater still.]
["Here Come the Clowns" theater still.]
[Vinie Burrows, Louise Stubbs and Cicely Tyson in "The Blacks".]
[Lex Monson, Louise Stubbs, Robert Graham Brown, Charles Gordone, Cicely Tyson and Roxie Roker in "The Blacks".]
[Godfrey Cambridge as Diouf and Cicely Tyson as Stephanie Virtue Diop.]
[James Earl Jones as Ephraim and Vinnette Carroll as Sophia Adams in "Moon on a Rainbow Shawl".]
[James Earl Jones as Jesse Prince and Royce Wallace as Marianne Prince in "The Pretender".]
["The Death of Satan" theater still.]
["The Green Pastures" theater still.]
["A Hole in the Head" theater still.]
["The King and the Duke" theater still.]
["J.B." theater still.]
["Golden Boy" theater still.]
[Gene Lyons and Nancy Wickwire in "A Clearing in the Woods".]
["The Duchess of Malfi" theater stills.]
["The Seven Year Itch" theater still.]