[Unidentified Ship, Deck and Smokestacks.]
[A Crowd on the Deck of an Unidentified Ship.]
[Illustration of a Ship, "Le Washington".]
[Painting of the S.S. "Normandie" by Adolph Treidier.]
[Arrival/Departure of an Unidentified Ship.]
[Swedish American Line, S.S. "Stockholm".]
Ships, Groups of Models Aboard S.S. "Guilio Caesare".
[French Line, Painting of the S.S. "Normandie".]
[Ships, Anchor Line, S.S. "Ethiopia".]
[A Crowd on a Pier for the Arrival/Departure of a Ship.]
[Ships, American Line, S.S. "Paris".]
[Ships, "Thuringia".]
[Broadside View of an Unidentified Ship.]
[Ships, American Line, S.S. "Paris" and S.S. "New York".]
Ships, Old Dominion Line, S.S. "Berkeley".
Ships, French Line, S.S. "Ile de France".
[Ships, "Titania".]
[Ships, "Tamesis".]