[Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.]
Buildings, Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.
[Union Carbide and Carbon Building, 30 East 42nd St.]
Street Scenes, Madison Avenue & 42nd Street.
[Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest Corner 42nd St. & Madison Ave.]
[50 East 42nd Street.]
[Intersection of Madison Avenue and 42nd Street.]
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street.
Street Scenes - March 1922. E. 42nd St. No. Side - Madison to 5th Aves.
[Hotel Manhattan, Northwest Corner of 42nd Street & Madison Ave.]
Buildings, 50 East 42nd Street.
[Bush Terminal Building, 130 West 42nd Street.]
[New York Public Library, 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue.]
[Street Scenes, about 1918. E. 42nd St. No. Side-W. from Lexington Ave.]
Lexington Avenue at 42nd Street.