Buildings, Pershing Square Building, 1 Pershing Sq, Building from S.W.
Buildings, Pershing Square Building, 1 Pershing Sq, Building from N.W.
Buildings, Pershing Square Building, 1 Pershing Sq, Lower Part of 42nd St. Side Showing Stores & Entrance.
[Buildings, Pershing Square Building, 1 Pershing Sq, Building from S.W.]
Banks, Union Square Savings Bank.
Buildings, Bankers' Trust Co., Fifth Avenue & 42nd Street.
[Presbyterian Book Store, 156 Fifth Ave, N.W. Corner 20th St.]
[Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co., Fifth Ave. and 60th St., N.Y.]
Carnegie Trust Co.
Buildings, Presbyterian Book Store, 156 Fifth Ave, N.W. Corner 20th St.
[Metropolis Building, 31 Union Square West.]
Building, S.W. 26th St. & Fifth Ave.
[RCA Building.]
Building, Continental Bank Bldg., 30 Broad Street. (made from U.S. Subtreasury steps, Wall Street.).
Bank, Harvard Square & Cambridge Port Trust Co.
Buildings, Times Building Under Construction.
[50 East 42nd Street.]