Street Scenes, Sixth Avenue at 20th Street.
[Presbyterian Book Store, 156 Fifth Ave, N.W. Corner 20th St.]
Street Vendors, 1900. 20th St. at 6th Ave.
Plays, "20th Century Girl".
[22-26 West 15th Street.]
[Sixth Avenue Looking South from Above 20th Street.]
Buildings, Presbyterian Book Store, 156 Fifth Ave, N.W. Corner 20th St.
Broadway and 20th Street [Broadway & 12th Street to Broadway & Madison Square]
Funeral, General Booth Tucker Killed in 20th Cent. Express; 14th Street West from Fifth Avenue.
[West Side of Fifth Ave. Bet. 36th and 37th Streets, New York.]
Kohler Co., 20 West 42nd Street, Interior, The Showroom.
[Scientific American Building, 24 West 40th St.]
Kohler Co., 20 West 42nd Street, Exterior, The Window.
[Theatre, Regent, 116th Street.]
[320-322 West 107th St. N.Y.]
Theatre, Manhattan Opera House, West 34th Street.
32-34 West 20th Street. General exterior.
6-8 West 20th Street. General exterior.