[110-114 West 69th St., N.Y.]
Street Scenes - 1926. E. 96th St. No. Side Bet. Park & Madison Aves. [Van Cortlandt Apartment House .]
Street Scenes - 1902. W. 44th St. No. Side - W. from 5th Ave.
Street Scene - 1901. Fifth Ave. - South from 66th St.
12 East 69th Street. Residence.
Street Scene, 1899, 5th Ave. & 61st St. (Gerry House).
Street Scenes - May 1930, Fifth Ave. E. Side at 60 St.
Street Scenes, 1905, Fifth Ave. 59th to 60th Sts. from West 59th St.
Street Scenes. Fifth Avenue, Northeast Corner of 66th Street (Res. of Mrs H.O. Havemeyer), About 1901. 1 East 66th Street.
West 59th Street Looking East from Between Eighth & Ninth Aves. 1903.
Street Scene - 1900, Fifth Ave. at 68th St.
Street Scenes - 1897, Fifth Ave., East Side Bet. 49th & 50th Sts.
Street Scenes - 1897, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 65th St.
Street Scenes - 1916. 57th St. No. Side - Madison to Park.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue, About 1901 [?], 66th to 65th Streets.
Street Scenes, August 15, 1921. E 42nd St. No. Side -West from Lexington Ave.
Street Scenes, 1898. West 41st St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves. South Side.
Street Scenes - 1900, Fifth Ave. S.E. Cor. 64th St.
Street Scenes, 1901, 5th Ave. 60st to 60th Sts (Gerry House).
Street Scenes - 1909. West 42nd St. So. Side Between 6th Ave. & Broadway. Lewis & Conger, 130-132 West 42nd St.