Watercolor rendering of apartment house.
Apartment house. Perspective rendering by Scheffler.
[Rendering of apartment buildings.]
Seven-story block front apartment, pencil rendering by Scheffler.
McLean Mausoleum, pencil rendering.
Rendering of apartment house, 27 stories high.
Entrance to Building 275, pencil rendering.
121 Madison Avenue. Rendering of remodeled apartment house.
Interior of N.Y. County Trust Co. Pencil rendering.
Apartment house. Perspective rendering by A. Thornton Bishop.
410 Park Avenue. Apartment house, watercolor rendering.
Rendering of twelve-story apartment building by Watkeys.
92nd Street and West End Avenue. Watercolor, rendering by Brigden, of apartment house.
81st Street at the S.W. corner of Park Avenue. Watercolor rendering of apartment house.
[Apartment houses.]
Park Avenue at the corner of East 54th Street. Apartment house, watercolor rendering.
Woolworth Building. Arcade, pencil rendering.
Jackson Heights apartments. Rendering, 1921, court gardens in rear of garden apartments.
Park Avenue at the S.W. corner of 81st Street. Watercolor rendering, apartment house.