Roosevelt Hospital
Helen Mary Hart Fiedler with her Children John, Helen and Mary
Getting in Each Other's Hair
Mary Lavinia Brooks
W. L. Brown
[Al Smith and his wife with their grandchildren.]
Dress and vest in brown and cream printed crepe with trompe l'oeil sweater design
[Melville Cooper.]
["Hazel Flagg" and "John Brown's Body" theater stills.]
Robert Ray (with dog)
[Al Smith with his family.]
[Al Smith with his wife (neé Catherine Dunn) and three of their grandchildren.]
H. W. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe
Children Aid Society.
Back to School (Dickie and Jill Kollmar)
Mother and Child Fashion
[Henry Ward Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe.]