Wholesale Trade: Liquor-GL Nicholas 1902, 43 Beaver St.
G.L. Nicholas, 43 Beaver St. N.Y.
Wholesale Trade - Dry Goods 1905, H.B. Claflin Co., Church and Worth Sts.
Wholesale Trade Poultry 1906, August Siltz Market, 267 Washington St.
Wholesale Trade - Poultry - 1906. August Silz Market 267 Washington St.
Retail Trade: Candy-Maillard's 1902, Broadway at 24th St. (5th Ave. Hotel).
Retail Trade Small Dept. Store, 1910, Brooklyn.
Wholesale Trade - Poultry - 1906. August Silz Market - 267 Washington St.
Building, Roger Peet & Co., Broadway & Warren St.
Hotel Astor, Rathskellar and wine cellars.
Trade Retail W. & J. Sloane 1902. 884 Broadway.
Retail Trade Dept. Store.
Retail Trade - Men's Clothes - Moe Levy & Co. 1908. Walker St.
Clover Club.
Art Dept. in Geo. Borgfeld and Co. Merchants 1904, 48 West 4th St.
Cooper Union Club.