Street Scenes, Vesey Street, Metropolitan Hardware.
Vesey Street.
#127 Fulton Street.
Street Scenes, Northwest Corner of Seventh Ave. and 49th Street.
[Broadway North from Vesey St.]
Claflin, H.B., Dry goods, Church and Worth Streets.
Geo. Borgfeldt Co., New York.
View-Vesey St. 1899 West from Boadway.
Grand Street and Chrystie Street.
Fifth Avenue and 46th Street.
Street Scenes, Madison Avenue & 42nd Street.
Broadway and 79th Street.
Street Scene 1910, Broadway, West Side - No. from 31st St.
Street Scenes, 1898. West 41st St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves. South Side.
[Canal Street and Wooster Street.]
Hammacher Schlemmer & Co.
Sales Checking Department - 1906, March. Siegel Cooper Co. Drygoods 294 6th Ave., at 18th Street.
Buildings, S.E. Corner of Broadway & 96th St.