[Morningside Drive & 119th St. N.Y.]
Buildings, Southwest Corner 119th St. & Morningside Drive.
Broadway and 117th-119th Streets [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
Street Scenes - 1898. 119th St. No. Side - Madison to Park Aves.
468 Riverside Drive at the corner of 119th Street. Concord Hall Apartment House.
West 114th Street and Morningside Drive. Church
The Morningside Park Apartments, Morningside Park East 118th - 119th Sts
Vanderbilt Avenue and 45th Street.
Riverside Drive [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
Fifth Avenue and 26th Street.
88 Morningside Drive. Butler Hall apartments
Amsterdam Avenue, W. 119th-120th Streets, east side. General exterior.
Morningside Drive and West 115th Street. Cathedral Court Apartments.
Theaters, Stadium Theatre.
[2316 First Avenue]
[Schoolyard on 119th Street.]
Fifth Avenue and 22nd Street.
[School yard on 119th Street.]
Broadway and 164th Street.