[Morningside Drive & 119th St. N.Y.]
Buildings, Southwest Corner 119th St. & Morningside Drive.
Broadway and 117th-119th Streets [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
Street Scenes - 1898. 119th St. No. Side - Madison to Park Aves.
The Morningside Park Apartments, Morningside Park East 118th - 119th Sts
468 Riverside Drive at the corner of 119th Street. Concord Hall Apartment House.
Riverside Drive [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
West 114th Street and Morningside Drive. Church
[2316 First Avenue]
88 Morningside Drive. Butler Hall apartments
Amsterdam Avenue, W. 119th-120th Streets, east side. General exterior.
Theaters, Stadium Theatre.
Vanderbilt Avenue and 45th Street.
Fifth Avenue and 26th Street.
Morningside Drive and West 115th Street. Cathedral Court Apartments.
[Schoolyard on 119th Street.]
[School yard on 119th Street.]
[Alley between 119th Street and 120th Street.]
West 110th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]