Street Scenes - 1907, 14th St. S.E. Cor. 4th Ave.
Theatre, Keith's Union Square, 14th Street.
3rd Avenue and 14th Street.
Fifth Avenue and 15th Street.
Street Scenes, West 14th Street.
Blizzard-99 [Union Square, West Looking North from Just Above 14th St.]
Street Scenes - 1899, West 14th St. - Bet. 5th & 6th Aves.
Street & Smith, Seventh Ave. & 15th St.
Street Scenes - 1909, East 14th St-No. Side-Bet. 4th & Irving Pl.
Street Scenes, Sixth Avenue North from 15th St.
Northeast corner of 4th Avenue at 14th Street.
[22-26 West 15th Street.]
Closed Cars [4th Avenue via 14th Street to Christopher Street Ferry No. 38 streetcar.]
Street Scenes, Retail Trades - Pianos, Steinway & Sons, 1902. 113 East 14th Street.
[14th St. Looking West from Fifth Avenue.]