Theatres, Standard, Sixth Ave. & 33rd St., Later "Manhattan".
Fifth Avenue and 33rd Street.
Cafes, Prize Fighters Saloons (J.J. Corbett, 6th Ave & 33rd St.).
Street Scenes - 1904. East 38th St. - No. Side Bet. 1st & 2nd Aves. In front of Peoples Baths 327 E. 38.
Theatre, Manhattan, Sixth Avenue & 33rd Street.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue North from 33rd Street.
Madison Avenue at the corner of East 33rd Street. Apartment House.
Street Scene, 1904 (People's Baths - Milbank Memorial) 237 East 38th Street.
Waldorf Astoria, 5th Ave from 33rd St, N.Y.
Herald Square, N.W. From 33rd St., Bird's Eye View.
Theatres, Manhattan, Sixth Avenue & 33rd Street.