[Theatre, Regent, 116th Street.]
Regent Theatre.
[Regent Theatre.]
Theatre, Regent, 116th Street.
[Regent Theatre, 116th Street.]
Street Scenes - 1915, 8th Ave. N.E. Cor. 125th St. (Kelly Bros. Bar).
Street Scenes - 1907, 14th St. S.E. Cor. 4th Ave.
[B.S. Moss Hamilton Theatre.]
116th Street and Seventh Avenue. Graham Court Apartment House, courtyard.
Street Scenes - 1900, Sixth Ave. Near 18th St.
Street Scenes - 1903, Seventh Ave & 23rd St. S.W. Corner.
Street Scenes - 1898. 119th St. No. Side - Madison to Park Aves.
West 116th and Seventh Avenue. Graham Court apartments
Columbia College, 116th St. Bet. Boulevard and Amsterdam Ave. N.Y.
[Broadway -- S.W. Cor. 60th Street.]
Street Scenes - 1900, Fifth Ave. S.E. Cor. 63rd St.
Street Scenes, Northwest Corner of Seventh Ave. and 49th Street.
East 116th Street. Italian Savings Bank.