Street Scenes - March 1922. E. 42nd St. No. Side - Madison to 5th Aves.
Street Scenes - 1898. 119th St. No. Side - Madison to Park Aves.
Street Scenes - 1926. E. 96th St. No. Side Bet. Park & Madison Aves. [Van Cortlandt Apartment House .]
Broadway Near 57th Street.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue, North from 51st Street.
Street Scenes, 1895, Seventh Ave. E. Side from Above 57th St. Carnegie Hall.
Madison Ave, 47th-48th Streets.
Street Scenes, Madison Avenue & 42nd Street.
Street Scenes, Looking North Up Park Avenue from the Northwest Corner of 58th Street.
Street Scenes, 1897-8, Fifth Ave., 57th to 59th Sts.
Buildings, Heckscher Building, 5th Ave. & 57th St.
Street Scenes, Park Avenue, North from 50th Street.
Madison Square, 24th and 25th Streets.
Street Scenes, Looking South Down Park Avenue from the Northwest Corner of 61st Street.
Sutton Place and 57th Street.
Buildings, 341 Madison Ave. & 44th St.
Street Scenes, 1987, Fifth Ave. W. Side No. from 55th St. (Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church).
Church, Madison Avenue Baptist, Madison Ave. & 31st Street.
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue and 57th Street.]
Street Scenes - 1926. West 69th St. So. Side - East of Columbus Ave.