Street Scenes - 1897, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 65th St.
Street Scenes, 1896, Fifth Ave. North from 53rd St.
Church - St. Thomas' Church, 5th Ave., N.W. Cor. 53rd St.
Street Scenes, 1900, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 61st St.
Street Scenes ca. 1898, Fifth Avenue No. from 53rd Street.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 54 to 53 Sts.
Street Scenes - 1900, Fifth Ave. S.E. Cor. 63rd St.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 53 to 52 Sts.
Windsor Arcade,1902, 5th Ave. N.E. Cor. 46th St.
West Side of Fifth Ave. 52 to 53 Sts.
Street Scenes - 1915, 8th Ave. N.E. Cor. 125th St. (Kelly Bros. Bar).
Street Scenes, 1903, Fifth Ave. No. from 59th St.
Street Scenes - 1900, Fifth Ave. S.E. Cor. 64th St.
Street Scenes, 1898. Fifth Ave., S.W. Cor. 56th St.
Church, St. Thomas, Fifth Ave. & 53rd Street.
Street Scenes, Clubs - Metropolitan, 1901. Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 60th St.